Optimising, Accelerating and Perfecting Your Production Line

How To Get The Most Life Out Of A Pressure Pipe

Any pipe used to convey liquids under pressure--which is the case in practically all plumbing applications--is known as a 'pressure pipe'. While these pipes are mostly dealt with by professionals, laypeople and business owners might need to know a little about them if they're trying to DIY any of their commercial plumbing or if they're trying to understand why their central heating or other plumbing features are faulty. This is especially important in some kinds of manufacturing environments, where a steady supply of water or other liquids is essential to keep to your targets.So what can you do to ensure that these vital pieces of your everyday infrastructure are as long-lasting and efficient as possible?

Choose the right materials.

Almost all pressure pipes are now made from PVC, so your main job will be to ensure you're picking a pipe of the correct strength and gauge. Don't assume that more is always better--a pipe that can handle too much is as likely to lead to inefficiencies as a pipe than can handle too little.

If your pipe will be handling large quantities of pressure, it's worth looking into steel models rather than plastic ones. This is only likely to be relevant for large-scale industrial applications, however. For most processing and manufacturing purposes, PVC will do just fine.

The other exception is the pipe that brings water into your factory or workshop from the mains supply. This is generally made of concrete to help it deal with its large gauge, and sometimes requires specialised maintenance over time.

Make sure the installation is flawless.

Don't fall into the trap of trying to save money by doing this yourself unless you really know what you're doing. It's vital to engage the services not only of professionals but of professionals who are experienced in your business's sector and who you know you can trust. Ask around your contacts for recommendations, and make sure you read as many reviews as possible and meet with the team leader before work begins.

Don't forget to keep it maintained.

Waiting for a problem to be obvious before getting it fixed is a sure fire way to end up with downtime and a loss in profits. Check your pressure pipes regularly, and consider hiring a service designed to make sure everything's going the way it should be. 

Keep an eye on the specs and usage.

On that note, you need to monitor your own processes as carefully as you monitor your pipes. If production goes into a higher gear in your facility, you might find that the pipes you've got aren't up to the job--so be aware of how much stress you're putting them under and upgrade as necessary before it's too late.
